
Saturday 22 January 2011

with a key comes a great responsibility!

yes! i finally got my own key at work after 8 months. man has it been that long since i started work? doesn't seem like it by looking at my bank balance. iv been spending so much money since i started work. only last week i spent like more than £500. i really need to start saving...

lately iv been working everyday till 11 n since i'm tired n sleepy all the time. i try n keep myself awake by drinking lots of caffeine. when i get home i'm glued to the computer for hours. one time i was on it till 6 am in the morning. after that i go to bed n read a book till im sleepy. im currently reading "i heart Hollywood" and "hannibal rising" n got a load of other books lined up. yesterday i went to bed at 4 am n woke up the following  afternoon at 13:30 pm. u need to sleep early n sleep for a moderate amount n not oversleep or under. i've started getting bags under my eyes...not good!


  1. Those kind of keys are really weird......first time i saw my bro carrying those keys I thought 'why r u carrying magnet with u?' hahaha......My bro was like 'Stupid its a key n don lose it or ur dead'....LoL

  2. And take care of yourself.....I know computer are gr8 distraction + relaxation.....I always come home and glued to computer for hours..!! :D

  3. hun u hafta start sleeping on time..
    and stop texing me in some weird hours when every sane person iz sleepin ^^

  4. hey i havent texted u in an inappropriate time in a while now...i just thought u'd be awake. neho i'll stop this behaviour once mum comes bck. so it'll all be fine.
